Tied (Une histoire d’amour) – 2013 film

Here I am confessing  my love to the french cinema and to Laetcia Casta, model and actress.

Something I call french art house cinema mainstream. Alright alright I am not a film critic in typical sense. I can only do my best in seeking terms that describe my feelings and understanding. And so here we are.

The subtleties of short and ambiguous dialogues and visuals open to interpretation, precisely etched in the title of the film. In typical AMERICAN habit to juice up the advertising of the film and entice public we go for the taboo and call it “TIED” – the title that literally translates “the story of love”. Unsurprisingly and so limiting is the american title. However, perhaps it is a trick to attract mainstream public in hopes that somewhere somehow the lyrical story will educate and makes them think…

The actual film is about far more then bdsm antiques of its main characters.

It is truly about love. To each its own. About GIVE AND TAKE. About control and releasing. About life. 

Cinematography is beautiful and often plays very well with symbolism injected in the scene.

The set design so Bauhaus meets Mid Century Modern Day, the ever present black and white photographs in frames on the walls paired with abstract works, an ever present symbol of intellect, power and money in all films. The toned down coloring I so love. The shadows and light, where much more lives in the shadows. The incredible elegance of it all including the wardrobe choices, happily Christian Dior – the french effortless chic leader in fashion. What an amazing choice!

Laetcia is perfectly cast, her sensual beauty is ravishing and tells me as much about her character as her often silence in dialogues does. Her slightly tired skin with dark undertone circles around eyes, her simple hair, her slim stance and ever present black stilettos…. She is the type my beloved Bertolucci chooses for his films. The understated sensuality you read in chosen actress’s imperfections ( seen as such by modern “plastic” vein world ) the oda to Goddess like femininity. Watching Laeticia’s face closeups I have a real pull to stuck my nose to the screen and maybe even lick the corner of her mouth. Like an animal able to sense the undertone of human’s personality, I feel her. I want to secretly whisper : ” I understand ! I felt it too. I have been there”. 

I could never explain to myself why did I ever were a Dominatrix as part of my this lifetime journey, me being for non violence / pain both physical, mental and soul, yet I naturally slid into the role and played it well. 

Now after watching the film I do….

This movie puts a spell on you. Just like Last Tango in Paris did.

The ending is unexpected but almost irrelevant in terms of the “end” of the story. The special bond we feel for those we have chosen and who have chosen us has the beginning but hardly ever has an end.

And so we live. And love. 

The story of life. The story of love.


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